if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

Since the beginning of time people have said whatever they thought everyone wanted to hear, and then turned around and did something completely different. This is what we youngsters call “playing games”. People have been playing games since the beginning of time and what I think is funny is that the people that we idolize and speak about today, played games and people, too. For example, Abraham Lincoln. He spoke to everyone about the fact that he did not believe in slavery and we credit the freedom of the slaves to him, yet he said that he does not believe blacks should fight in the civil war? I guess I can understand, it might make it difficult to make peace between the both and south if they were fighting and being killed by black people, but even if that was true, if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

Even Frederick Douglas tried to talk some sense into Lincoln and get him to allow Blacks in the Union Army, but was ignored. Some people are just so stubborn and I am not surprised Lincoln is one of those people. Shockingly, some blacks even fought for the south and I am equally as shocked as everyone else probably was, but ya know, at least they are fighting for something. This might go back to the idea of loyalty and family that we talked about previously in class.

On a last note, speaking of playing games and loyalty, an interesting fact about history is that we never really know the truth. We count on people’s memory and story telling to inform us. If i remember correctly, Howell Cobbs said that Blacks shouldn’t be in the Army, but interestingly enough…. Steiner had casually said that he saw Cobbs on the front line….. surrounded by the Black troops. While you sit with that fun piece of information, I will leave the on one last note, a quote by an inspiring woman, Oprah. And as Oprah would say… So what’s the truth?

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